In this episode of The She Chose Hope Podcast, Jenny Brallier and I are talking about God’s heart behind modesty and biblical sexuality. Together, we unpack the impact of purity culture, legalism within the church, and whether modesty as a tool for keeping guys from lusting misses the heart of the Gospel.
It is our heart to have a candid, faith-filled discussion on a topic that hits so close for so many women. If you are a girl who has questions about why the Bible has certain boundaries around sex, are unsatisfied with the narrative that modesty is meant to protect men because they are weak, or feel like you have already gone too far and wonder if God will still accept you, this is the perfect episode for you.
Why are we talking about s*x on the internet?
Sexuality is something that can hold us captive if we let it – captive to shame, fear, confusion, guilt. And it’s something so many women struggle with in silence.
In this episode, Jenny mentions that most often in church, topics surrounding sexuality like lust and pornography are left as warnings to the men. On the other hand, women are saddled with the responsibility of making sure the men are not further driven to lust by looking at them, their body, or their outfit.
However, in the process, women are not often included in conversations or topics that they may also be struggling with like lust or porn because they are seen as struggles mostly guys struggle with.
We want to talk about that together and we want to explore what happens when we bring the Gospel into the narrative? What is God’s heart for us as women when it comes to sexuality and modesty? If we have struggled in these areas or have had s*x before marriage, does the Bible say that person is damaged goods like society seems to say?
All the good stuff
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Mentioned in the podcast:
- Our book recommendations on Biblical Sexuality
- Tiff Hogle
- Sexless in the City by Kat Harris
- The Girls Night Podcast with Stephanie May Wilson
Have questions about this episode?
This can be such a hard, personal, and tricky topic, so I wanted to open up a space for you to ask questions without worrying about being judged. If you have questions about today’s episode or even have a topic suggestion for future episodes, click here.