She chose hope introductions
I am so excited for you to read today’s She Chose Hope Story. It really touched me and encouraged me, I know that it will for you too.
Today’s author is Sue Broshear. Sue is a wife, a writer, and a homeschool mom of 3 with a passion for community building.
“Hope Called My Name” is part of the She Chose Hope Stories series. To read the other incredible and encouraging stories, click here.
Hope Called My Name- By: SuE Broshear
These are my first words penned publicly in over a year.
When my curly brown locks collided with our white kitchen tile floor last October, something precious was lost. Beyond a driver’s license, physical energy or mental clarity – the seizure and concussion robbed something much dearer.
My words. My confidence.
“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will be also.” John 12:25-26
At age 15, an unexplainable chronic illness began in my life. There’s still not perfect clarity as to why or how. It was a season of solitude and sanctuary. Being home from high school for the better part of two years, significantly shaped who I became.
That wilderness experience solidified a robust faith that would be desperately needed for the journey ahead. New rhythms of scripture journaling, prayer, and writing encouragement notes, instilled within me a confidence of God’s goodness.
Less than 5 years later, life was unravelling at a tremendous speed for my family.
A diagnosis, surgery, chemo, radiation, a second diagnosis – Mom had terminal brain cancer at age 45. Faith was on her side; time was not. Community rallied like we had never seen before. It was God’s people in their finest hour with hope, meals, bravery, and support. Courage abounded within Mom, along with an urgency to share His hope before her hourglass ran out of sand.
Each day post-diagnosis was a gift to be celebrated. Our home was filled with friends and family, in worship, laughing, crying, and preparing for her trip home. The appointed day arrived despite how we fought against it. I witnessed her depart from a busted-up earthly body, while she was welcomed into the arms of Jesus. The day was marked with excruciating pain and loss, coupled with relief and joy to see her suffering finally end.
Losing a parent at age 20 is like a sinkhole that swallows up the soul whole. The devastation is unthinkable. My grief bucket was emptied hourly at first, with a flood of pain and sadness. Grief scars run deep, and healing came in the most unlikely place.
For 7 years, my identity was deeply rooted in ongoing health challenges and the loss of Mom. Self-pity was a constant comfort and confidant. Chronic fatigue felt like a ball and chain, limiting my freedom. I didn’t know any other way to live. Though I continued to pursue faith and serve others, my life was not marked by freedom.
Hope arose while serving at a restorative community for broken lives called His Mansion Ministries. For 18 months, I was an eyewitness to life transformation. Depressed, addicted and abused souls were infused with the hope of Christ, and their lives made whole again. It was like nothing I had ever seen before! The brokenness within my own life surfaced, despite my best efforts to suppress it.
I remember it was Good Friday, and the invitation was extended to all. Scribble down the illness, the disappointment, the grief, and nail it to a wooden cross. A friend offered her support. I didn’t understand the need, until the dam burst. Years of pain, discouragement, grief, and anger were unleashed in full force.
Hope invited me to take up a new name that day. The sick girl who lost her mom was no longer. Though the tender grace of Jesus did not heal my epilepsy or chronic fatigue, He did set me free. To embrace a new identity in Him and boldly declare:
I am enough. I am worth it. And I am whole because of Him.
Grief and health challenges continue to be a common thread in the tapestry of life. How do I serve others, parent well, and live with the reality of this brokenness?
For many years, writing came with the same ease as walking and breathing in fresh air. What was once natural, now feels challenging, awkward, and intimidating. In recent months I have wrestled with God over this struggle. Do I give up writing, Lord? Are these the last words you would have me pen?
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV)
The answer came recently, and it was affirmed by an invitation to share my hope story here with you. I felt reassured that my weakness is of precious value to God, even though I favor my strengths! Each time I surrender the brokenness in my life, Jesus fills those sinkholes with His power, and others witness His glory. Now on my weakest of days, instead of self-pity or fear, I can choose hope.

Sue is a community builder with a heart to invite others to the table of grace. She is a writer, communicator, homeschool mom, and passionate mentor to the next generation. Her husband and 3 children best describe her as creative, nurturing, and a bit crazy! Sue blogs about her faith, parenting, hope & healing, and more at www.suebroshear.ca. Feel free to reach out to Sue at: info@suebroshear.com